Food for Thought – Panel on Emotional Cognition and Other Representations of Science
Schedule: Tu, 25th, 18.00-20:00
With: Jonathon Keats, Nina Samuel, David Marx
Equipped with flowcharts, food chemistry, aprons and their intelligence, a workshop group headed by conceptual artist and experimental philosopher Jonathon Keats worked on new means of problem solving, that is: processing not with the cortex, but the enteric system. Scientific feedbackloops from all kinds of disciplinary backgrounds have been transformed into (completely safe) ice cream recipes that function as digestible equations of research.
The underpinning concept is called Data Gastronification. While the formulations of the workshop participants still cool down to serving temperature, we turn to observation: if future challenges in research can not be sufficiently addressed with the usual cognitive resources, how otherwise does knowledge derive? Might Data Gastronification be the solution? Is there to emotionally comtemplate about things we cannot scale with reason?
Our panelists work at the interface of art, science and Neuropsychology and highlight challenges (re) interpretation of the world, reason and intuition.
Gastro Epistemes are being discussed next to the relationship between ice and icecream-scoops and questions that arose in connection with the workshop: Can knowledge at all be represented? Is food not only technology but also a vessle of knowledge?
Data Gastronification transforms complex theorems in an innovative way: consumption allows the exploration of system-dynamic feedbacklops with the enteric nervous system.
This system,, where also the synthesis of feelings is taking place, could help with pushing research in one direction if the field isn´t really to be opened up on other ways.