Press and Media
Below you’ll find press releases, articles and other media from our activities. We are happy to send additional info on request:
Below you’ll find press releases, articles and other media from our activities. We are happy to send additional info on request:
Zum Projektabschluss der Künstlerresidenz RE:SEARCHING IT SECURITY präsentiert Marco Barotti sein Kunstwerk APES auf dem Campus der Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
From June 2021, as part of the European Commission’s S+T+ARTS initiative, 12 new Regional S+T+ARTS Centers will
create a space for artists, scientists, and technologists to work together on a common mission: Repairing the present.
Hypertopia bridges today and tomorrow. The transdisciplinary program and exhibition anticipates a post-crisis future to investigate approaches for a meaningful present. With a selection of artistic positions, propositions and exploratory projects that incorporate scientific methods as well as speculative modes of thought, Hypertopia challenges hierarchies, probes ideas, and imagines new scenarios of cooperative, interspecies coexistence.
Raspberry flavour from bacteria, car tyres from dandelion or ladybird antibiotics: All this and more is part of the vast field of the bio-economy. The exhibition MACHT NATURE presents results from nine workshops that were realized in 2019 as part of the three-year research project "Farming the Uncanny Valley". Especially for these workshops, locations in rural and urban areas were selected and staged to reveal contradictions between our understanding and dealing with nature.
Since its launch in 2015 as an initiative of the European Commission, S+T+ARTS, innovation at the nexus of Science, Technology, and the ARTS, has promoted the integration of artistic practices with advanced research and innovation. NEAR + FUTURES + QUASI + WORLDS aims to emphasize the vital role that collaboration in scientific, technological, and artistic domains can play in furthering contemporary research and integrative forms of cutting-edge artistic creation
How can art and science promote empathy and social cohesion in times of crisis? The artistic research project BRAINPALACE by Munich-based light artist Tatjana Busch in collaboration with scientists from the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, media artists Christian Losert and Daniel Dalfovo and the Berlin-based exhibition laboratory STATE Studio addresses this question.
Winner of the Italian Council project (2019), Christian Fogarolli’s exhibition Pneuma focuses on the immateriality and intangibility of mental illness by analyzing various geographical and cultural contexts, questioning the stigma and categorization created by political, corporate and state systems. Exhibition Opening at STATE Studio on 20 March 2020
Fraunhofer Institute For Building Physics IBP Has Partnered With Experimental Philosopher Jonathon Keats On A Revolutionary Urban Planning Scheme for Extreme Climate Change… Preliminary City Designs To Be Revealed At STATE Studio In Berlin on 12 Dec.
On 1 November 2019 STATE will open the exhibition Lichtfelder as part of Berlin Science Week, an artistic-scientific reflection on the subject of light through the works of artists Charlotte Dachroth and Ole Jeschonnek.
A collaboration between geneticists and an artist invites us through the looking glass into a speculative future, finds Anna Kriebs.
Art galleries are the right setting to promote the dialogue between scientists and the general public.
The first showcase at STATE Studio, Hydrosphären, is dedicated to artists and researchers who are working with the topic of water.
Im State Studio, einer neuen Galerie am U-Bahnhof Kleistpark, die sich dem Dialog von Kunst und Wissenschaft widmet, erõffnet heute die Ausstellung „Hydrosphären“.
Algae are our main oxygen producers on earth. They exist in nearly every ecosystem and contribute to the most fundamental biological processes on our planet.
Die neue Ausstellung Living Canvas im STATE Studio Berlin lässt ein lebendiges, luftreinigendes Werk wachsen.
Das Altern abschaffen? Emilia Tikka im Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin in Berlin.
Innovation Camp Hightech & Herz 2022
S+T+ARTS Repairing the Present
Innovation Camp Hightech & Herz 2022: Ein Ideensprint für menschzentrierte Technologien
S+T+ARTS Residencies: Repairing the Present
STATE Studio Berlin: Exhibition Laboratory for Science, Art and Innovation
AI FOR GOOD GLOBAL SUMMIT 2019: Cultural Evening Highlights
The Fabric of New Beginnings: Exhibition Tour
Digitales Symposium: Empathic AI - Art shapes industry