STATE Studio

Press and Media

Below you’ll find press releases, articles and other media from our activities. We are happy to send additional info on request:


Press Releases

In the News



Innovation Camp Hightech & Herz 2022

Elektrisierende Ideen für den Menschen. Eine Initiative des Kompetenzzentrum Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft des Bundes in Zusammenarbeit mit STATE.

STATE Festival 2016 Guide

Under the title “STATE OF EMOTION – The Sentimental Machine”, the STATE Festival 2016 dealt with the scientific and technological breakthroughs at the interface between emotional research and artificial intelligence as well as their social implications and possible future developments

STATE Festival 2014 Guide

The first edition of STATE Festival, STATE OF TIME, brought together over 1200 international scientists, artists and cultural dwellers for four days in October 2014 to Berlin to celebrate scientific ideas and artistic expression. The unifying theme: Time

Farming the Uncanny Valley

A three-year interdisciplinary research project to test new formats of communication and participation in the bioeconomy


S+T+ARTS Repairing the Present

Launched by the European Commission, the S+T+ARTS initiative aims to foster imaginative thinking by creating spaces of dialogue between Science, Technology, and the Arts


An Art-Science Residency by CASA in Collaboration with STATE

Pocket Democracy

Workshopsessions und eine Konferenz in Berlin und Seattle. Die Veranstaltung geht der Frage nach, wie digitale Technologien für alternative politische Lösungen nutzbar gemacht werden können


Hypertopia bridges between today and tomorrow. Powered by the vision of a collective change in consciousness, the interdisciplinary program and exhibition anticipates a post-crisis future to explore approaches for a meaningful present


Innovation Camp Hightech & Herz 2022: Ein Ideensprint für menschzentrierte Technologien

Die digitale Transformation schreitet stetig voran. Doch wie lässt sie sich so gestalten, dass der Mensch und sein gesellschaftliches Wohlergehen im Mittelpunkt stehen? Wie gelingt mehr Hightech mit Herz?

S+T+ARTS Residencies: Repairing the Present

S+T+ARTS is driven by the belief that the challenges of our times demand radically new approaches to innovation and that artistic viewpoints are needed to develop such approaches. The S+T+ARTS initiative gives artists a voice in innovation processes. Through numerous S+T+ARTS Residencies and other S+T+ARTS pillars, it looks for radically new ways to tackle current challenges.

HYPERTOPIA Exhibition Tour

Hypertopia bridges between today and tomorrow. Powered by the vision of a collective change in consciousness, the interdisciplinary program and exhibition anticipates a post-crisis future to explore approaches for a meaningful present.

STATE Studio Berlin: Exhibition Laboratory for Science, Art and Innovation

STATE Studio is a public gallery, showroom and event space in central Berlin. It’s a place for creative synergies between science, art, and innovation to discover and explore the breakthrough developments that shape our future.


AI FOR GOOD GLOBAL SUMMIT 2019: Cultural Evening Highlights

Highlights of the ITU AI for Good Summit 2019 Cultural Evening “AI pushing the limits of Artistic intelligence”, curated in partnership with STATE Studio, at the United Nations of Geneva on 29 May 2019.


MACHT NATUR präsentiert Ergebnisse aus drei Jahren Forschung und lädt Euch auf eine Reise durch vertrautes und unbekanntes Terrain ein. Rund um die Themenbereiche Insekten, Pflanzen, Boden und Luft zeigt die Ausstellung Innovationen, Potenziale und Risiken der Bioökonomie.

The Fabric of New Beginnings: Exhibition Tour

Interweaving Change is an artistic exploration of leadership, purpose and future possibilities, recognizing the interconnectedness of all living beings and systems. The program strives to interweave the patterns of change that have been emerging in the face of crises, in order to co-create planetary visions for new modes of coexistence.

Digitales Symposium: Empathic AI - Art shapes industry

Welchen Impact generieren die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft und insbesondere die Kunst für die Entwicklung von Innovationen zwischen Industrie, Mensch und Technologie?