Hypertopia Field Exploration 2:



Looking back to look forward: How can we use the history of humankind and of earth as a tool for imagining potential (post-human) futures? What ancient (hi)stories are the elements and material structures of this planet holding ready for us? And how can we take a non-human perspective?

The Field Exploration starts off from Himali Singh Soin’s artwork we are opposite like this; where she pairs poetry with archival material and a mythical soundscape to recount the fear of an imminent glacial epoch that was omnipresent in Victorian England. She uses metaphors from outer space and the natural environment to construct imaginary cosmologies. The Exploration invites you to dive into interwoven mythologies within the city of Berlin. Now go and follow the traces of the past - and watch out for the cracks and crevices that may let the future leak through.