Hypertopia Field Exploration 2:

How to get to STATION II


The final stop is a place that interconnects art, nature and technology. More precisely: you will find wild nature on top of decaying technical facilities next to fine arts. Across an area of 18 hectares you can experience something as close to a jungle as it can get in an urban context. Also this location has been a breeding ground for new alliances and communities that collectively stand up for a more sustainable future. Relax your mind, embrace your surroundings and when you are ready: Guide yourself towards the theater hall where you will find a little hut with an information box and our next cue on it. Connect the message behind it with Himali’s artwork as well as both locations that you visited and leave something behind. 

Another short note: Unfortunately dogs and bikes are not allowed into the location. We are sorry!

Find the next cue: Guide yourself towards an information box made of acrylic glass, situated next to a red water tower and a large theater hall. You will find a yellow QR Code attached to it.


🤔 You need help? In case you could not find the location of STATION II, try this: 52°27'33.0"N 13°21'27.5"E

Direct shortcut to the message behind the code if you could not find it at STATION II.