Christian Fogarolli
Christian Fogarolli
© Ph. Paolo Lafratta
Christian Fogarolli is an Italian artist born in 1983. He obtained a Master's degree in diagnostics and restoration at the University of Verona in 2010 and obtained a specialist degree in Conservation of Cultural Heritage at the University of Trento.
His research is underpinned by the relationship between art and scientific theories and disciplines and how the latter have made use of creative means to lead to progress. His works often try to question the links between normality and deviance, the relationships between different species and how these are categorized within the public and private heritage, which the artist himself then attempts to discover, analyze or enhance. His work process often involves the current historical research and different means of expression, such as environmental installations, photography, sculpture, video.
The results of his research have been displayed in events such as dOCUMENTA (13), Kassel (2012); the Mart, Museum of Modern and Contemporary art of Rovereto (2013); The Maison Rouge in Paris (2014); Museum of the Foundation Miniscalchi-Erizzo, Verona (2015); De Appel arts centre of
Amsterdam (2015); 5th Moscow International Biennale (2016); the Hunterian Museum in Glasgow (2017); Gaîté Lyrique of Paris (2017); Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin (2017); Mart - Galleria Civica di Trento (2014-18); Les Rencontres de la photographie d’Arles (2018); MAXXI, the National Museum of the 21st Century Arts, Rome (2018); Fortuny Palace, Venice (2018); Musée de Grenoble (2019); Musée d’histoire de la Médecine, Paris (2020). He recently received research and residency awards at the College of Physicians and Mütter Museum of Philadelphia and Futura center for contemporary art in Prague (2018). In 2019 he received the prestigious Italian Council award granted by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism.