Manuel Cirauqui

Manuel Cirauqui


Manuel Cirauqui is a curator and writer, working at the crossroads of contemporary art, design strategy, and experimental academia. Cirauqui currently serves as curator at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao and is also the founding director of Eina/Idea, a think tank associated to EINA University School of Design and Art, attached to the Autonomous University of Barcelona. At the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, he has organized the major exhibitions Soto. The Fourth Dimension (2019); Architecture Effects (2018, co-curated with Troy Conrad Therrien); Henri Michaux. The Other Side (2018); Art and Space (2017); and Anni Albers. Touching Vision (2017), and he also oversees the institution’s Film & Video exhibitions programming. Recent projects in other international museums include the two-part exhibition Artaud 1936, at the Museo Tamayo in Mexico City (2018); and the sitespecific installation Puerto Rican Light (Cueva Vientos) by Allora & Calzadilla at Dia Art Foundation (2015, co-curated with Yasmil Raymond). Cirauqui has been a guest lecturer in numerous international universities such as MICA Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore; HEAD Haute École d’art et de design, Geneva; Aalto University of Art and Design, Helsinki; Universidad Complutense de Madrid; and served as Adjunct Lecturer in Critical Curating at the Rhode Island School of Design, Providence.