Dr Richard Hofmann

Dr Richard Hofmann

© Museum für Naturkunde Berlin

© Museum für Naturkunde Berlin

Richard Hofmann is a Palaeontologist interested in fundamental transformations such as mass extinctions, recovery episodes, radiations, and ecological innovation in the history of life and their impact on the earth system. Since 2015 he is a Postdoc at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin.

Project: biotic controls on biodiversity during the Ordovician diversification event

2013 – 2015 Postdoc University of Zurich, Switzerland

Project: Palaeobiodiversity studies of Permian ecosystems

2009 – 2013 PhD-Student University of Zurich, Switzerland.

Graduation as Dr. Sc. Nat. in Evolutionary Biology, Thesis topic: Recovery of ecosystems from the end-Permian mass extinction

2002 – 2008 Study of Geology/Palaeontology, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany and University of Saskatchewan, Canada.