Stefan Wischnewski
Stefan Wischnewski
credit: Sonja Allgaier
Stefan Wischnewski (DE), born in 1974 and living in Munich, explores in his artworks the resonance fields of material language, perception, and research in a playful way. With sculptural skill and curiosity, he tries to enable space, object and observer and their relation. Wischnewski grew up between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, contains many thematic references to the sea and swarms, which serve as a starting point for his reflection on the behavior of shapes in space and his encounter with an object from different perspectives. Wischnewski studied sculpture at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts under Prof James Reineking and was a Meisterschüler. Since 2013 he has been a research assistant at the Chair of Fine Arts of Prof Tina Haase at the Technical University of Munich and guides numerous workshops.