Creative Collisions between Science and Art: The Science Gallery Story
Speaker: Michael John Gorman Moderatorin: Regine Rapp
During his keynote lecture, founding director Michael John Gorman will present the work and mission of his initiative Science Gallery at Trinity College Dublin, a cultural space dedicated to creative collisions between science and art. He will give an overview of projects and shows presented at the gallery, and grant insight into the potential and challenges of working at this intersection. During his keynote, he will build a link between issues raised in previous and following panel discussions.
Dr. Michael John Gorman is an adjunct professor of creative technologies at Trinity College Dublin and the founding director of Science Gallery International, an initiative that develops a global network to inspire young adults to engage with science, tech- nology, and the arts.
Regine Rapp is an art historian and curator, and co-founder of Art laboratory Berlin. Her specific fields of research are 20th
and 21st century art, including installation art, image, text theory, and the artist book. She is a member of the International Associ- ation of Word and Image Studies (IAWIS) and Synapse (Haus der kulturen der Welt).