Art and AI: Shamans of the Digital Renaissance

Art and AI: Shamans of the Digital Renaissance

Interdisciplinary Salon and Performances

When: 18.10.2018, 18:00-20:30
Where: Silent Green, Gerichtstraße 35, 13347 Berlin



An interdisciplinary salon evening with artistic impulses and performances, hosted by Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS Digital Public Service. and curated by STATE Experience Science. The event will take you into the world of AI and arts wrapping up the symposium "(Un-)ergründlich - Künstliche Intelligenz als Ordnungsstifterin".

Art raises questions and fires our imagination. Enables insights and negotiates visions. It creates images where none (yet) exist. Creates identity and overthrows traditions. Like hardly any other technology, artificial intelligence holds the potential for profound societal changes.

How do artists take up developments in AI and what role do they play in the public debate? Featuring dialogs with and impulses from artists, the salon evening leads through current applications of artificial intelligence in the field of arts and discusses the role of artists in AI development and discourse.

The program Is as part of the symposium (Un)ergründlich. Künstliche Intelligenz als Ordnungsstifterin by Fraunhofer Fokus and ÖFIT.


Luba Elliott, Art and Artificial Intelligence
(Lecture, Art Showcase)

This talk from researcher and curator Luba Elliott will give an overview of how artists are using and thinking about AI. Over the past couple of years, there has been increasing interest in applying the latest advances in machine learning to creative projects in art, music, film, theatre and beyond. From Google’s DeepDream and style transfer to the world’s first computer-generated musical playing in London’s West End, more and more creative AI projects are moving beyond the world of research and academia into the public eye. Likewise, the art world has been critically interpreting the impact of these technologies, highlighting the problems of bias, uniformity and surveillance.

Christian “Mio” Loclair, Artificial Poetry
(Lecture Performance)

The poetic collision of human desire and cutting-edge technology illustrate our present age with digital harmony and voltaic friction. However, as digital design rush into a thrilling future of emerging technologies, the time span of our attention and the quality of our poetic experience decreases. In this talk Christian Mio Loclair, Art Director at Waltz Binaire, invites you on an interdisciplinary and visually stunning journey through code experiments, robot dancing, and artificial intelligence to answer the question “WHY?”. Can Ai be a generator for sustainable questions and holistic discussions? Can we use emerging technologies as a mirror to human nature and how do we create accessible narrations for people to participate and understand? To enrich the perception of digital phenomena and to communicate meaningful ideas, is why we moonwalk on motherboards.

REPLICA Institute, Dr. Diana Serbanescu, Regis Lemberthe, The Silver Farms

Through immersive dance-theatre, REPLICA explores the coexistence between humanity and a plurality of ubiquitous intelligences overseeing life—artificial ontologies whose programming carry on the voice of long-forgotten ancestors. The snippets of future rituals that unveil throughout Silver Farms show an algorithmic, decadent pantheon unable to communicate, bound to interfere in absurd loops and glitches, generating a sense of confusion and chaos to in turn spark a sense of reinforced spirituality.

Events, ProjectsChristian Rauch