Photo © Ian Pearse
Dr. Teresa Dillon
Originally trained as a social and educational psychologist. Teresa Dillonis a self-taught artist and curator. Drawing on methodologies frompsychology, social science and the performing arts, her work reflects onour cybernetic attachments and the influence of techno-civic systems on oureveryday lives and personal relationships. Recent work includes theexhibition YOU MIGHT BE A DOG (2014), the installation ADIP (2014), the webauthoring tool and personal server, Superglue (2014) and the programme oftalks and workshops Urban Knights (2013+). From 2012-2013 she was curatorand course coordinator at the Science Gallery, Dublin, where she curatedHACK-THE-CITY, developed various urban labs and taught the science-artcurriculum. Her works has been shown internationally at various festivalsand exhibitions (Transmediale, Ars Electronica, ISEA, Pixelache, Enter_)and she has published widely on technology, creativity and learning. Teresaholds a PhD in psychology from The Open University, UK and is currently aHumboldt Fellow at UdK and TU, Berlin.