Hypertopia Field Exploration 2:

How to get to STATION I


The first stop of your route invites you to a mythological journey into the neolithic age and brings you to an archaeological find from the ice age (which are quite rare in Berlin due to its infertile grounds and pine forests). The prehistoric peculiarity you will soon encounter arose from a piece of glacier and acts as a mirror of Berlin’s sky. Also, the name of the location derives from a nordic goddess who reigns the underworld. As soon as you have arrived at the location, look out for a message stored within a matrix barcode placed at a sign that defines the area as a nature reserve (“Naturschutzgebiet”). Whilst receiving our message, feel free to explore the find as a site for new rituals and perspectives.

Find the next cue: Navigate yourself towards the sign that defines the area as one that deserves to be preserved. You will find a yellow code with a message for you on its pole.

🤔 You need help? In case you could not find STATION I just by our explanation above, try this: 52.459470 N , 13.369044 E

🕵 Cannot find the hidden code? Follow the emergency shortcut to the message behind the QR Code here.