Desiree Foerster

Desiree Foerster is a PhD candidate at the Institute for Arts and Media, University of Potsdam. She graduated in Philosophy, Literature (BA) and Media-Culture-Anylysis (MA). Desiree gave presentations about her research on interspecies relationships and new artistic and design practices at conferences such as the Annual Meeting of the Social Studies of Science Copenhagen 2012 and Denver 2015, gave workshops on Foucaults term “heteropia” at the Utopia School Copenhagen 2015 and in Athens 2016, and participated in the New Materialism Training School “Research Genealogies and Material Practices” at Tate Modern, London 2016. Her research interests lie in medial, aestethical and epistemological aspects of complex phenomena and how they could be modeled by experimental systems in order to become bodily experienced. In her PhD she investigates if novel insights in the ways multispecies ecologies deal with disruption, might show fruitful parallels between the ecosystem of the microbiome and the ecosystem planet earth.

As a Berlin based curator and researcher she also collaborates within various disciplines such as (synthetic) biology, computer science, philosophy and humanities, and is interested in creating space for assemblies that cross assumed and naturalized relations. Her work as a program assistant at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt was manly dedicated to the Anthropocene project and the Technosphere project.

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