Juho Rissanen
Juho Rissanen
Credits: Juho Rissanen
Juho Rissanen is a technologist, business professional and analyst who derives his perspectives from a rich variety of experiences. From a childhood astronomy hobby, he aspired to medical and consciousness studies. Instead, he proceeded via electrical engineering, cultural and Asian studies on location (with a battery powered typewriter in the backpack through East and Southeast Asia), spent a while in Germany and Switzerland, moved on to semiotics, international business and innovation studies, futurology and virtual reality. While working with businesses, he’s also a proponent of wide and continuous learning and is now working toward his third master’s degree, Emerging Media.
The topics were not chosen at random: astronomy tells where we are, consciousness is what we are, electricity is indispensable in modern society, business and innovation studies have a global perspective, Asia’s rise was news at the time, and semiotics is a study of how humans make meaning… and Emerging New Media studies sum up what’s right and wrong in today’s society and its use of technology.
During numerous travels, work career successes and tough challenges, when he returned to his lovely native Finland he was often ravaged by a reverse culture shock. Being constantly uprooted from your native or adopted home environment is bound to create a mistrust in cultural coordinates and in the status quo. Constants you once took for granted are actually variables that can contain completely different values in a different setting.
Once the trust in one status quo has been shaken, it is easy to start questioning the premises and cornerstones of many other things. This gives rise to profound, good questions.
One among many profound questions is time: how it is perceived, how it is used, what it is. While relativity and time dilation calculcations have been around for long, the way we use time in daily life is still quite primitive and unquestioned.