Free Association by Mycroft



Who are you, from an artificial intelligence's point of view? Think of something you love, something that defines you, your favorite memory. See what the open source AI creates from your words.

Free Association is an interactive installation based on a voice interface that actively converses with its human counterpart. Built as a conversational assistant for everyone, the system continuously listens with a microphone, transcribing audio feeds into text. Through sentiment analysis, Free Association picks up emotional cues and inadvertently pairs it with random imagery retrieved from the web. The images depicted are a reflection of the spoken words and moods expressed by the viewer, who inevitably becomes a performer. The installation plays with concepts of free association and explores the intricate relationship between humans and voice interfaces.

Free Association is a work developed by a team at Mycroft AI: Joshua Montgomery (CEO), Derick Schweppe (Chief Designer), and Steve Penrod (CTO). Mycroft is the world’s first open source voice assistant.