Act4SDGs: How Can We Take Action for a Better Future?
Act4SDGs: How Can We Take Action for a Better Future?
What are the consequences of human action for the ecosystem and how can we engage in positive change?
Four years after the UN 2030 Agenda was adopted, it is increasingly inspiring many initiatives around the globe. Still, the clock is ticking and we must get to work towards the Agenda’s goals.
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are a universal pathway to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030 with no one left behind.
Joining a global community to celebrate the Goals’ anniversary – #Act4SDGs, the BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt and STATE Studio invite you to reflect on our role in shaping a more sustainable world in an open conversation inspired by art and innovative business models contributing to this systemic change.
About the BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt
The BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt promotes responsible leadership and inspires leaders worldwide to work towards a peaceful, just and sustainable future. Through our activities, we aim to advance the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.
Imperial Valley
Lukas Marxt investigates in his work the dissection between a world interfered with and designed by humans over the natural order. In his immersive documentary video work and photographic installation, he depicts California’s most important region of industrial agriculture located in the Sonora Desert. Through a birds-eye view we follow artificially laid water channels and fly over monocultures that seem to dissolve into abstract forms. Marxt invites us to bear witness of an anthropocentric environment driven by exploitation and corporate interests but what are the consequences of human action for the ecosystem?
Credit: Imperial Valley (cultivated run-off) Video Still, Lukas Marxt
25. September 2019
6:00 PM Open Doors
6:30 PM Welcome by BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt and STATE Studio
6:45 PM Presentation by Christian Rauch: Installation “Imperial Valley” from Lukas Marxt
7:00 PM Discussion
7:30 PM Drinks
In 2013 Lukas Marxt was selected for VISIT fellowship programme run by the innogy Stiftung für Energie und Gesellschaft. It provides young artists with the opportunity to create new work and pursue extraordinary projects.
Imperial Valley is presented in partnership with Imagine Science Films (ISF), New York, an international platform spreading new and experimental works at the interface between science and film.