Here Be Unicorns
Here Be Unicorns
Envisioning Sustainable Futures
New roads to a sustainable future need to be identified outside the mainstream context and built by visioneers with bold new ideas that leverage imaginative thinking and embrace the power of emerging technologies in their societal context in order to create positive impact. Here Be Unicorns is a serious game and mental sparring exercise to be used as a workshop tool to train your imagination and identify meaningful opportunities for sustainable action in the context of future trends in science, technology, culture and society. The game is based on the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and uses the RIDE thinking model.
© Christian Rauch, 2019
FutureFiction Cards
Game Board with FutureFiction Evaluation Matrix
Sustainable Development Lenses
Future Trend Cards
Technology Cards
Sustainable Action Template
The RIDE thinking model
The RIDE thinking model is a four-step process to help practice wholistic thinking in the context of future uncertainty born from transformational developments in science and technology. It is based on the deep conviction that in the light of exponential innovation and massively transformational technological possibilities, societal context and our goals and values need to be integrated into the technological development process from the earliest stages in order to create meaningful innovation and advance sustainable development.
Reason: Think like a Scientist
Imagination: Dream like an Artist
Dialogue: Identify Value
Entrepreneurship: Act like an Entrepreneur
How to Play
The game is developed for application in a workshop setting, to be played in small groups of 3-7 players per group, but can be adapted to larger groups and central moderation. A typical gaming session takes between 2-3 hours and is facilitated by a trained moderator. If you are interested to host a Here be Unicorns gaming session in your institution, please get in touch.
In order to suit the specific purpose and focus of your event and institution, the content of the gaming components can be customized.
Previous Clients
Recent Gaming Sessions
5.12.2019, CEDEP, Fontainebleau
16.10.2019, Zukunftsbrücke, BMW Foundation, Berlin
10.10.2019, Technologiestiftung, Berlin
16.9.2019, Meta-Lucid, New York
27.8.2019, CEDEP, Fontainebleau (France)
19.8.2019, Berlin Partner: Brain City Sommerfest
21.6.2019, CEDEP, Fontainebleau (France): CEDEP Alumni Event & General Management Program
15.6.2019, The Camp, Marseille (France): 15th BMW Foundation Global Table
16.11.2018, School of Inspired Leadership SOIL, Dharamshala (India)
Book your Gaming Session
The game and thinking model has been developed by Christian Rauch. Concepts and ideas for this game build on a variety of different methods from areas such as science, speculative design, future foresight, design thinking and business development. Special thanks to Jens Meyer, Jonathon Keats, Amir Banifatemi, Sascha Pohflepp for their advise and inspiration.