Stephanie Forkel
Stephanie Forkel
Credits: Stephanie Forkel
Stephanie Forkel is a Marie Curie Fellow working at the CNRS at the Neurocampus in Bordeaux. She dedicates her research to tackling the complexity of the brain along three axes of investigation: 1. Individual brain anatomy, 2. its clinical impact, and 3. brain variability. "Studying the brain is not just an academic exercise, but it serves our fundamental understanding of the neurobiology of cognition and significantly improves our clinical practice. Understanding what we all share and what makes us unique will change how we approach diagnostics of neurological disorders and enhance precision medicine."
Stephanie loves science communication as it can foster a mutual exchange between disciplines within academia and beyond. Some of these projects included a theatre and BBC production, interviews for print media, talks for Pint of Science, a 3D printed brain exhibition at the Science Museum London. Stephanie also uses her YouTube channel ‘Clinical Neuroanatomy Seminars’ as a vehicle to engage with scientists and science enthusiasts around the globe and develop joint ventures. She is also a Wellcome Trust Image Award winner.