unborn 1-6
unborn 1-6
How can we transfer something unimaginable like quantum fields into the realm of the imaginable?
#QuantumFieldTheory #Unborn #Potentiality #Energy
Credit: Anne Freitag
How can quantum fields be imagined, this space of possibility that runs through the universe and the origin of all matter, of all being? The Japanese Zen master Bankei Eitaku (1622-1693) has created a philosophical figure with the concept of the "unborn child" used in his writings, which - for the artist Andreas Jungk - contributes to the illustration of this hardly imaginable original concept. With "unborn", Bankei describes something in which everything dissolves and from which everything simultaneously emerges.
Jungks work "unborn 1-6" reads as a commentary on the Zen idea of the unborn and the physical qualities of quantum fields. On six canvases Jungks fascination for elementary structures of nature and quantum-physical phenomena finds its expression. The works symbolise the quantum space in which things seem similar but never the same. "unborn 1-6" embodies the potential state of the quantum field, a perpetual potential from which - also through the viewer's gaze - things only gradually reveal themselves.
"Unborn" was created in close collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF and in exchange with Marta Gilabert-Basset, researcher in the field of quantum imaging, and Falk Eilenberger, physicist in the field of experimental optics and quantum photonics.
The project is realized in cooperation with Fraunhofer Headquarter Communication and is supported by the Fraunhofer-Network Wissenschaft, Kunst und Design.