Posts tagged p-hypertopia
Hypertopia: Mudra Workshop with Ela Spalding

When: 3 Dec 2020, 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Where: Online

Following the central ideas of Hypertopia, STATE Studio is happy to introduce you to the practice of Mudra with an online workshop held by artist~facilitator Ela Spalding. Mudras are hand positions that alter your mood, attitudes and perception, helping you deepen your awareness and concentration to overcome physical, mental or emotional blockages.

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EventsGuest Userp-hypertopia
Hypertopia: Field Trips and Field Explorations

What: Hypertopia: Field Trips and Field Explorations
When: ongoing
Where: Online

Hypertopia is a borderless territory. Hence, the exhibition is accompanied by a decentralized framework program that carries its ideas into the public realm, from the gallery space into open terrain. Self-guided field explorations send you on your own journey through the city.

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EventsGuest Userp-hypertopia
Digitale Exkursion: Eine Zeitreise mit deinem quantifizierten Selbst

What: Digital Exhibition Tour & interactive thought experiment
When: Donnerstag 26.11, 18:30 - 20:00
Where: Zoom

Wie können wir Kunst und Wissenschaft zusammenbringen, um alternative nachhaltige Zukünfte zu erkunden? Wie kann unsere Vorstellungskraft als Werkzeug eingesetzt werden, um den sozial-ökologischen Wandel voranzutreiben? Aufbauend auf den von der Ausstellung Hypertopia aufgeworfenen Zukunftsthemen widmen wir uns in einem ko-kreativen Event der Frage, wie eine nachhaltige und auf das Wohl und die Würde des Menschen gerichtete Zukunft aussehen könnte. Die Veranstaltung nutzt dabei das Gedankenexperiment einer fiktiven Zeitreise als Werkzeug.

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Hypertopia: Homo Microbium - Kinderworkshop Online

Was: Hypertopia: Homo Microbium - Kinderworkshop (8 - 12 Jahre)
Wann: 5 Dezember, 11:00 - 13:00
Wo: Online

Wir können sie mit bloßem Auge nicht sehen und doch sind sie überall in unserer Umgebung vorhanden: Mikroorganismen. Auch in unserem Körper tummeln sich jede Menge davon. So kommen nach neuesten Erkenntnissen auf 30 Billionen Körperzellen 39 Billionen Bakterien.

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Hypertopia: Digital Field Trip with Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg and Josef Settele

What: Presentation and Exhibition Tour
Where: Youtube

How can we bring together the arts and sciences to explore alternative sustainable futures? What global challenges and scientific findings need to be addressed to help us overcome this systemic crisis? And finally: How can speculative design and imagination be employed as a tool to drive socio-ecological transformation? This Digital Field Trip is the first collaboration between Science Notes Magazin and STATE Studio as part of the Berlin Science Week and in the context of Hypertopia.

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Hypertopia: Exhibition Tours

What: Free exhibition tours in German and English
When: 23 October - 6 December, every Saturday and Sunday,
Where: STATE Studio, Hauptstraße 3, 10827 Berlin

Hypertopia bridges between today and tomorrow. Powered by the vision of a collective change in consciousness, the interdisciplinary program and exhibition anticipate a post-crisis future to explore approaches for a meaningful present. The exhibition presents works by Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg (UK), Ani Liu (USA), Dominique Koch (CH), Salvatore Iaconesi and Oriana Persico (IT), Himali Singh Soin (UK/IND) and Jana Maria Dohmann (D) and STATE’s Curious Minds Community.

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What: Exhibition and Discourse Program
When: 23 October - 6 December
Where: STATE Studio, Hauptstraße 3, 10827 Berlin

Hypertopia bridges between today and tomorrow. Powered by the vision of a collective change in consciousness, the interdisciplinary program and exhibition anticipates a post-crisis future to explore approaches for a meaningful present. The exhibition presents works by Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg (UK), Ani Liu (USA), Dominique Koch (CH), Salvatore Iaconesi and Oriana Persico (IT), Himali Singh Soin (UK/IND) and Jana Maria Dohmann (D) and STATE’s Curious Minds Community.

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Hypertopia: Weaving Social Texture

What: Performance
When: 31 October, 12 - 5 pm
Where: STATE Studio, Hauptstraße 3, 10827 Berlin

Weaving Social Texture is a collective research project and performance by Jana Maria Dohmann that seeks to inspire interaction. Over the course of her show, the participatory installation will grow into a collective tissue of decisions, all of which are driven by individual, or mutually coordinated choices. A basic set up pre-installed by the artist serves as a point of departure for the collective, essentially improvised work. Further reference is provided by a set of scores, that frame the action, adding a few fundamental guidelines for the visitors to carry out.

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