Was: Hypertopia: Homo Microbium - Kinderworkshop (8 - 12 Jahre)
Wann: 5 Dezember, 11:00 - 13:00
Wo: Online
Wir können sie mit bloßem Auge nicht sehen und doch sind sie überall in unserer Umgebung vorhanden: Mikroorganismen. Auch in unserem Körper tummeln sich jede Menge davon. So kommen nach neuesten Erkenntnissen auf 30 Billionen Körperzellen 39 Billionen Bakterien.
Read MoreWhat: Presentation and Exhibition Tour
Where: Youtube
How can we bring together the arts and sciences to explore alternative sustainable futures? What global challenges and scientific findings need to be addressed to help us overcome this systemic crisis? And finally: How can speculative design and imagination be employed as a tool to drive socio-ecological transformation? This Digital Field Trip is the first collaboration between Science Notes Magazin and STATE Studio as part of the Berlin Science Week and in the context of Hypertopia.
Read More52° 29' 24.482" N 13° 21' 34.603" E
Now that we’re here, where are we? Still on the same planet, for sure. But forces are shifting. How did we get here? What stance should we take? What actions? And where are we heading?
Hypertopia doesn’t claim to have answers. Instead, it presents itself as a platform for renegotiation – a deep drilling rig, if you will, in an ocean of idle opportunities and potential impossibilities.
What: Free exhibition tours in German and English
When: 23 October - 6 December, every Saturday and Sunday,
Where: STATE Studio, Hauptstraße 3, 10827 Berlin
Hypertopia bridges between today and tomorrow. Powered by the vision of a collective change in consciousness, the interdisciplinary program and exhibition anticipate a post-crisis future to explore approaches for a meaningful present. The exhibition presents works by Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg (UK), Ani Liu (USA), Dominique Koch (CH), Salvatore Iaconesi and Oriana Persico (IT), Himali Singh Soin (UK/IND) and Jana Maria Dohmann (D) and STATE’s Curious Minds Community.
Read MoreWhat: Meetup
When: 7 October, 7 pm - 10 pm
Where: STATE Studio, Hauptstr. 3, 10827 Berlin
Following on our 20th conference DATA CITIES: Smart Technologies, Tracking & Human Rights, we invite you to join us for an evening with artist & researcher Adam Harvey, to explore facial recognition datasets being made in cities across the world, and understand more about where this data originates and who is using it.
Read MoreWhat: Exhibition and Discourse Program
When: 23 October - 6 December
Where: STATE Studio, Hauptstraße 3, 10827 Berlin
Hypertopia bridges between today and tomorrow. Powered by the vision of a collective change in consciousness, the interdisciplinary program and exhibition anticipates a post-crisis future to explore approaches for a meaningful present. The exhibition presents works by Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg (UK), Ani Liu (USA), Dominique Koch (CH), Salvatore Iaconesi and Oriana Persico (IT), Himali Singh Soin (UK/IND) and Jana Maria Dohmann (D) and STATE’s Curious Minds Community.
Read MoreWhat: Podcast
When: Every Wednesday
Where: Youtube
Each week AI for Good, in collaboration with STATE Studio, is releasing a podcast where a featured AI artist shares their creative process, beliefs, and philosophies in the power of AI to inspire positive change and innovative modes of thinking.
Read MoreWhat: Interactive Showcase
When: 22 October, 11:00 - 12:30 pm
Where: Online (streamed live from Hypertopia)
AI for Good: Human Collaboration with an AI Musician showcases and discusses ideas behind the design of AI systems that inspire and support human creativity. Creativity forces fundamentally different thinking about what AI should be over the conventions that have dominated other domains. In our work we are not looking at bettering or replacing human musicians, rather we want to support and expand human creativity for everyone.
Read MoreWhat: Performance
When: 31 October, 12 - 5 pm
Where: STATE Studio, Hauptstraße 3, 10827 Berlin
Weaving Social Texture is a collective research project and performance by Jana Maria Dohmann that seeks to inspire interaction. Over the course of her show, the participatory installation will grow into a collective tissue of decisions, all of which are driven by individual, or mutually coordinated choices. A basic set up pre-installed by the artist serves as a point of departure for the collective, essentially improvised work. Further reference is provided by a set of scores, that frame the action, adding a few fundamental guidelines for the visitors to carry out.
Read MoreWhat: Exhibition and Interaction Room
When: 23 October - 6 December
Where: STATE Studio, Hauptstraße 3, 10827 Berlin
The Fabric of New Beginnings intends to give an impetus for change and commitment by inviting visitors to participate in playful explorations of the future. The exhibition is part of Interweaving Change, a co-creative journey towards a more just and sustainable world, that emerged from a collaboration between the BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt and STATE Studio.
What: Online I Curious Minds: ArtScience Monthly #8
When: Tuesday, 17 November 2020, 7 pm CET
Where: Zoom
The ArtScience Monthly is about putting our curiosity into action and learning from one another. We invite you to join in these open and informal evenings, where we'll create playful situations for one-on-one interactions with other participants.
Read MoreWhat: Online I Curious Minds: ArtScience Monthly #7
When: Tuesday, 15 September 2020, 7 pm CET
Where: Zoom
The ArtScience Monthly is about putting our curiosity into action and learning from one another. We invite you to join in these open and informal evenings, where we'll create playful situations for one-on-one interactions with other participants.
Read MoreWann: 21 August & 23 August
Was: Von der innovativen Idee bis zur Umsetzungsplanung: 3-stündiger, kostenfreier Outdoorworkshop zu alternativen Proteinquellen
Wo: Universität der Künste, Medienhaus
Grunewaldstraße 2-5 10823 Berlin
Read MoreWhen: September 6, 6 pm & September 9, 2 pm
What: Guided Tours of MACHT NATUR (in English)
Where: STATE Studio, Hauptstraße 3, 10827 Berlin
What power do we have over nature? And how much power does nature have over us? Join our free guided tours through the exhibition MACHT NATUR.
Read MoreWhen: 4 July - 26 July, 2020
Where: STATE Studio, Hauptstr. 3, 10827 Berlin
NEAR + FUTURES + QUASI + WORLDS aims to emphasize the vital role that collaboration in scientific, technological, and artistic domains can play in furthering contemporary research and integrative forms of cutting-edge artistic creation. The exhibition features a selection of artworks, objects, and documents highlighting the manifold scope of S+T+ARTS actors and activities—STARTS Prize winners or works of artists from STARTS residencies and STARTS lighthouses.
Read MoreWhat: Artistic Exploration
When: tba
Where: Online and STATE Studio, Hauptstraße 3, 10827 Berlin
Interweaving Change is an open process to inspire responsible leadership, unlock creativity and collectively envision a just and sustainable future. Alongside leaders and communities from across Europe and the Mediterranean, we want to take the culmination of large-scale crises in 2020 as a starting point for hopeful thinking in times of radical upheaval and to collectively create planetary visions for new modes of coexistence.
Read MoreWhen: August - September 2020
Where: STATE Studio, Hauptstraße 3, 10827 Berlin
Herausforderungen wie Klimawandel, Artensterben und die Bereitstellung von Ressourcen für eine wachsende Weltbevölkerung erfordern neue Lösungen und Wege. MACHT NATUR präsentiert Ergebnisse aus drei Jahren Forschung und lädt Euch auf eine Reise durch vertrautes und unbekanntes Terrain ein. Rund um die Themenbereiche Insekten, Pflanzen, Boden und Luft zeigt die Ausstellung Innovationen, Potenziale und Risiken der Bioökonomie.
Read MoreWhat: Finissage and guided tours
When: 24 July, 2020 6PM - 8 PM
Where: STATE Studio, Hauptstr. 3, 10827 Berlin
NEAR + FUTURES + QUASI + WORLDS aims to emphasize the vital role that collaboration in scientific, technological, and artistic domains can play in furthering contemporary research and integrative forms of cutting-edge artistic creation. The exhibition features a selection of artworks, objects, and documents highlighting the manifold scope of S+T+ARTS actors and activities—STARTS Prize winners or works of artists from STARTS residencies and STARTS lighthouses.
Read MoreWann: 27 August & 3 September
Was: MACHT NATUR: Workshops für WissenschaftlerInnen
Wo: STATE Studio, Hauptstraße 3, 10827 Berlin
Im Austausch möchten wir euch mit einem im Forschungsprojekt “Farming the Uncanny Valley” entwickelten Modell vertraut machen, welches die Sicht der Zivilgesellschaft wiedergibt und widmen uns der Frage, wie dieses Modell eure Forschung im Bereich der Bioökonomie unterstützen kann. Es erwarten euch Einblicke unsere Arbeitsweise und das gewonnene Wissen zu Faktoren der Meinungsbildung. Erschließt mit Hilfe des vorgestellten Modells die individuellen Akzeptanzrahmen rund um euer Forschungsfeld. Wir unterstützen euch im kreativen Umgang mit diesen Erkenntnissen und ermitteln gemeinsam, wie Partizipation hierbei unterstützen könnte.
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